Monday, May 14, 2018

How to Calculate Fabric Shrinkage Percentage in Garment and Textile Industry?

The textile fabric has a common feature that it shrinks in wet processing. Shrinkage means the length of the fabric gets shorten after wash. So prior to cutting fabric for bulk production, you must check its shrinkage percentage in washing. The shrinkage percentage needed to add to the production pattern. Otherwise, you would not get garment of correct fit and measurement could not match the specification sheet.

This post will discuss how to calculate fabric shrinkage percentage by your own at home or in a factory. Step by step guide to calculating fabric shrinkage percentage is shown below.

Step 1: Prepare the wash test sample
Cut fabric from the roll and take fabric specimen of 110 cm X 110 cm (length X width). If you have multiple lots in fabrics rolls, take a sample from each lot.

Step 2: Measure before washing 
Mark a square of 100 cm X 100 cm (You can only mark + at the corner of the square.). Use fabric marker to mark the fabric. This is before wash measurement of fabric length and width.

Step 3: Wash the fabric sample
Wash the specimen following dip wash or machine wash as needed. Follow washing instruction provided by your buyers. Or follow standard washing method to find the shrinkage percentage to washing.

Step 4: Dry the sample after washing
Dry the fabric specimen as specified. Do line dry or tumble dry as specified in the test method.

Step 5: Measure after washing

Lay the specimen on a flat table. Remove creases but don't stretch the fabric. Measure the fabric length and width following marking points and note it.

Example: Let say, after washing measurement are as following
  • Length wise measurement =95 cm 
  • Width wise measurement = 97 cm

Now calculate shrinkage percentage specimen fabric using following formula

Fabric Shrinkage %= (Length before washing - length after washing)*100/Length before washing

Use data from the above example:

Fabric Shrinkage

Length wise= (100 - 95)/100 = 0.05 that is 5%
Width wise= (100 - 97)/100 = 0.03 that is 3%

Fabric Growth% Calculation

In some fabrics instead of fabric shrinkage, you may get fabric growth in length wise or width wise or in both directions. In that case, use following formula to calculate fabric growth percentage.

Fabric growth% = (Length after washing - length before washing)*100/Length before washing

If the fabric length increases after washing and the measurement after washing is 106 cm. Fabric growth percentage will be

= (106-100)/100 = 6%

Buyer Approved Garment and Textile Testing Labs

When it comes for quality standards for the apparel goods, physical properties of the fabrics, trims and accessories; presence of restricted chemicals in garments, goods must be tested from reputed testing labs. The test requirements vary according to the sourcing countries and product category. According to testing standards given by buyers garment and fabric exporters send samples to the buyer approved testing labs. Mostly known and buyers approved testing labs are listed in the following.

1. SGS 
SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. This company operates a network of more than 1,250 offices and laboratories around the world.

Core services provided by SGS include:
  • Inspection: Inspection and verification services, such as checking the condition and weight of traded goods at transshipment to control quantity and quality, and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions and markets 
  • Testing: Testing is done to reduce risks, shorten time to market and test the quality, safety and performance of your products against relevant health, safety and regulatory standards. 
  • Certification: SGS also provide certification on products, processes, systems or services that are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations or customer defined standards. 

2. Intertek 
Intertek helps customers to assess their products and commodities against a wide range of safety, regulatory, quality and performance standards. 
Core services provided by Intertek include testing, certification, auditing, safety, quality assurance, inspection, evaluation, analytical, advisory, training, outsourcing, risk management, and security services. Testing covers a wide range of products such as textiles, apparels, soft home furnishings, leather, leather goods and luggage. Company works with 300 plus global retailers and brands. 


3. Bureau Veritas 
Bureau Veritas Group has consistently built recognized expertise, helping clients comply with standards and regulations relating to Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility.

Services provided by Bureau Veritas include inspection, testing, auditing, certification, ship classification and related technical assistance, training and outsourcing. When appropriate, Bureau Veritas also provides advisory services. 

Large and small organizations, whether private or public, can rely on Bureau Veritas to support them in protecting their respective brands, assets and business. We play a key role in both risk management and performance improvement. 


4. TUV India Private Limited 
TUV India Private Limited was established in 1989 as part of the German RWTÜV group's Indian operations. Being one of the first Certification Bodies to start operations in India, TUV India has been closely associated with the quality revolution in India. Starting with some of the earliest ISO 9001 audits by any certification body in India, TUV India, along with its parent group and CII, also organized some of the first Lead Assessor programs for capacity building in India. 

With a presence in over 30 locations across India, TUV India offers a comprehensive & diverse range of technical services to its large clientele.TUV India Pvt. Ltd. provides diverse services in Management Systems - Quality, Environment, Safety, Food, Information Technology, and Social accountability, Training in allied areas like Lead Auditor, Internal Auditor & Awareness Courses, Third Party Inspection, CDM & other Carbon and Energy services, Laboratory Testing (Analytical) services, PED/ASME certification, Product Certification (CE, GS marking ), Automotive Homologation, Six Sigma, CMMI etc. 


Bill of Material (BOM) Format

What is Bill of Material (BOM)?

Bill of Material is a list of raw materials needed to be sourced to make a garment and make it ready for shipment as per buyer's requirement. In garment manufacturing, BOM is generally prepared by production merchants. Then has been approved by the responsible person and handed over to purchase department to start sourcing of raw materials.

A BOM normally includes items description, consumption (per piece consumption) with a defined unit of measure, projected cost per unit and total cost of each item. See the following format.

Fabric consumption and material consumption are calculated separately and added to the BOM sheet.

Bill of Material Format:

Following one is an example of the BOM format. BOM are prepared on a spreadsheet or by ERP.

BOM used in garment manufacturing
BOM Sample sheet

Step by Step Guide to T-Shirt Manufacturing for Business

Are you interested in starting T-shirt business? Whether it is a manufacturing business or planning for starting your own t-shirt brand, you need to learn t-shirt manufacturing process. From design a t-shirt to shipping the t-shirt to retail store.

In this post I will discuss t-shirt manufacturing step by step – from order receiving to manufacturing a t-shirt in mass production. 

This post is completed in four parts

#1. Process flow for T-shirt making
#2. Step by step guide to order processing
#3. T-shirt stitching process
#4. T-shirt finishing process

1. Process flow for T-shirt making

The manufacturing process of t-shirt starts from designing a t-shirt, sourcing of fabrics and ends after selling the t-shirt to retailers. It is considered that design part is completed as buyer’s end and as a manufacturer you get order of a given style. For such orders, order processing involves following process flow.
T-shirt manufacturing process flow 
P.S. You can do garment sampling before starting the bulk production. Read this article to learn importance of sampling.

PPS: Many buyers provide instruction for stitching in techpack. Follow those instructions for workmanship, printing, washing, packing (if applicable). 

2. Steps by step guide for order processing

Here are the steps to be followed for making t-shirts (from order receiving to shipment).

  • Once you receive the t-shirt sample with the order, analyze the garment and list down all detailing (construction, workmanship, seam, fabric used, trims attached etc). Estimate consumption of fabric and trims per garment. 
  • Make bill of materials (BOM) after receiving the order. Include all items in the BOM. 
  • Source Fabrics and trims as per requirement.
  • After receiving fabrics and trims, check for quality and quantity of sourced items. Fabric and trims need to be checked as per specification (quality standards). For the confirmation for fabric properties you might need to send fabric sample to the testing labs. Test fabric shrinkage.
  • Develop patterns for the style. Pattern grading to be done for different sizes. Make sample marker with actual garment patterns and find average consumption of fabrics.
  • Make two/three sample garments and follow all processes to be followed in bulk production (e.g. washing and finishing). Check these samples after finishing. According to checking report of the sample do correction if needed. 
  • This process will stop you making mistakes in patterns and shrinkage related issue in fabrics. Just to be safe from losing fabric and also maintaining quality of the final product.
  • Start bulk process
  • Lay fabric on the table as per marker length. Cut multiple layers at a time to save time in cutting. You can even layer multiple colors together. Just keep in mind to check size ratio. 
  • Make marker on the top layer. Cut fabric as per pattern. Cut quantity to be as per size ratio in the in order. You can cut some extra garment for buffer. Like if some defective or rejected garment are made in the following processes.
  • Check cut panels randomly for fabric defects and cutting is done according to the pattern.
  • Make bundles of cutting (if required). Or you can feed complete layers to the sewing operator. 
  • Set a group of tailors for stitching garments. Define sequence of the operations to be followed by tailors. Sew garments maintaining stitching quality. 
  • Check stitching quality during sewing and at the end of sewing. Do correction of defective garment found in the line. Repair work (alteration and part changing job) can be done separately or by same tailors. 
  • Send stitched garment to finishing section. Trim uncut threads. 
  • Remove stains before pressing garments with steam iron (if stains are found in garments). If needed wash garments for cleaning and removing stains and getting wash effect. 
  • Press garments.
  • Fold garments. Attach hang tags and price tags to garments. Pack garments into poly bags. Pack garments according to customer requirement. 
  • You can check finished and packed garment randomly for quality assurance. 
  • Store packed garments for shipping to your buyers.
Note: In case you are making t-shirt for your own brand, you have to design the t-shirt, prepare techpack and you have to set quality standards. In that case order processing would vary. 

P.S. Your t-shirt design may have value addition like printing and embroidery design. So printing/embroidery process will be included based on the design at what stage printing to be done. Mostly printing of t-shirt is done on t-shirt panels. I mean after cutting, garment panels are sent to printing house for printing. After printing work cutting panels are sent to stitching floor. 

3. T-Shirt stitching process:

If you have not made a t-shirt earlier, you will be in dilemma on how to start making the t-shirt. I know you will be hiring tailors for making t-shirt and your tailors know how to sew the complete t-shirt. However, I want you to learn how to make the t-shirt from fabric panels. I have listed operation sequence to be followed making a t-shirt. I have also mentioned machine types to be selected for each operation. 

Buy one t-shirt as sample or pick one t-shirt from your clothes before you read following processes. Having one sample in hand you will understand quickly what I am saying here. A round neck t-shirt has 5 components 
  • Front panel
  • Back panel
  • 2 Sleeves 
  • Neck rib
List of operations involved in making t-shirt
In this section I have explained how t-shirt components are assembled step by step. 

#1. Shoulder Join: Join the both shoulders using an overlock machine. 

#2. Neck rib tuck: Join ends of the rib using a lock stitch machine. Neck rib length should be cut a per neck circumference. (A different method can be used for neck rib. In the following figure, neck piping is done first. After attaching one shoulder, neck is closed. )

#3.Neck rib join to neck: Fold the neck rib and attach to the neck. While attaching neck rib stretch both neck and rib. Attach neck rib using overlock machine and top stitch using lock stitch or chain stitch machine. Which machine to choose depends on the t-shirt design. (In case of neck piping, it is done using Flat lock machine).

#4. Label make: This process is optional. In case you have source main label/care label in the roll form, cut it and keep ready for the following process. Sometimes you may need to join more than one label together and later you will attach to the label to the t-shirt. A single needle lock stitch machine is used for this operation.

#5. Back Neck Binding/Neck tape: This operation is also an optional process. In quality t-shirt, you may show inside back neck overlock seam is hide by binding. For binding you need a binder (one kind of folder). A flat lock machine is used for binding. 

Instead of binding with self fabric, you can hide the back seam margin using a twill tape. Use a single needle lock stitch machine to attach the tape a back neck. 

#6. Front neck T/S: Top stitch the front neck using 2 needle flat lock machine

#7. Back Neck T/S: Finish neck binding using a single needle lock stitch machine. While finishing the back neck tape/binding, attach the size label. Follow the instruction provided in the techpack for position of the attaching size label. 

#8. Sleeve Hem: Hem sleeve opening in the flat lock machine. (Alternatively you sleeve hemming is after underarm overlock).

#9. Sleeve attach: Attach both sleeves at the armhole. An overlock machine is used to attach sleeve. 

#10. Side seam with care label: Join side seams and under arm using an ovelock machine. If you want to attach the wash care label, attach it left side of the garment, above 10 cm from bottom hem. 

#11. Sleeve Tacking: Tack sleeve at the overlock stitch to secure the stitch. Use single needle machine for this job.

#12. Bottom Hem: At last hem the t-shirt bottom using a 2 needle flat lock machine.

Sewing machine used in T-shirt making
Most common sewing machines used for making t-shirts are these.
  • Single needle lock stitch machine
  • Overlock machine 
  • Flat lock sewing machine (Cylinder bed and flat bed flat lock)
Step by step stitching operations (assembling the t-shirt) are shown in the following chart. Stitching operations those are shown in the following infographic are based on a particular t-shirt sample (it may differ from above steps).
Infographic: T-shirt sewing process

4. T-Shirt Finishing Process

After stitching the T-shirt you have to finish it and pack (if apply) it prior to sending the t-shirts to retails store. Quality of packing and presentation is as important as the product quality. Following are process you need to do in finishing process. 

  • Thread trimming: Trim all thread tails and remove loose threads.
  • Quality checking: Check stitching quality. Follow the quality document for checking quality. In the finished garment fabric defects and stitching defects should not be allowed.
  • Pressing / Ironing: Press all garments using a steam press. By pressing creases on the t-shirt is removed. 
  • Folding: Fold the t-shirt according to folding dimension. 
  • Tagging: Attach hang tags, price tags using tag-gun. 
  • Packing: Pack individual t-shirts into poly bags. Or follow packing instruction from your buyer. See the following image for packed t-shirt.
This way t-shirts are made in mass production. In case you need further information you can contact me using by writing mail. 

P.S. I am planning to write an book on T-shirt manufacturing process  - all that you need to learn for starting t-shirt business from scratch. Please let me if you want (need) that book. Requesting you to write me on what contents should be covered on that book. Write me at

Machines Needed for Making Basic T-Shirts

I am often asked this question - What kind of sewing machines are required for making t-shirts. To reply to this question I have written this post. As you know t-shirt is a common apparel product and easy to make compared to other apparel products. To make quality t-shirt with good finishing inside and outside of the garment, you need over lock (for edge stitch), flat lock (for cover stitch) and single needle lock stitch machines.

Within the machine types there are various technology levels. You can decide which machine you need to purchase based on your requirement. Your machine supplier can advise you better. A same machine can be shared for multiple operations when you have few machines and you have low production requirement.

In the following table a machine requirement plan has been shown for production of 800 T-shirts in 8 hours shift (from a typical factory). Machine types and machine requirement in each operation has been also given in the following table.

Table-1: Operation wise machine types and machine requirement

Seq. No.
M/c Type         
No. Of Machines
Shoulder join
4 Thread Over Lock
Neck rib Tuck
1N Lock Stitch
Neck Join
4 Thread Over Lock
Label Make
1N Lock Stitch
Back Neck Binding
Flat lock/1NLS
Front Neck Top
Flat lock
Back Neck Top
1N Lock Stitch
Sleeve Hem
Flat lock
Sleeve Join
4 Thread Over Lock
Side Seam
Flat lock
Sleeve tuck
1N Lock Stitch
Body Hem
Flat lock

Disclaimer: The machine types and number of machines mentioned here are based on particular situation and shared here for information purpose only. This machine quantity may not match for your set-up.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Double Jersey Types

Double Jersey Types

Double face / Mattress
Fine Gauge
Elektronic Jaguard
Rib Structure
Interlook Structure
Body Size

Single Jersey Types

Single Jersey Types

Single Jersey Plain Structure
Plush/Polar Fleece
3-threaded fleece structure
Finge gauge
Elektronic Jacquard
Body Size
Mini Jacquard

Spandex in spinning

Spandex is a lightweight, synthetic fiber that is used to make stretchable clothing such as sportswear. It is made up of a long chain polymer called polyurethane, which is produced by reacting a polyester with a diisocyanate. The polymer is converted into a fiber using a dry spinning technique. First produced in the early 1950s, spandex was initially developed as a replacement for rubber. Although the market for spandex remains relatively small compared to other fibers such as cotton or nylon, new applications for spandex are continually being discovered. 
Spandex is a synthetic polymer. Chemically, it is made up of a long-chain polyglycol combined with a short diisocyanate, and contains at least 85% polyurethane. It is an elastomer, which means it can be stretched to a certain degree and it recoils when released. These fibers are superior to rubber because they are stronger, lighter, and more versatile. In fact, spandex fibers can be stretched to almost 500% of their length.
This unique elastic property of the spandex fibers is a direct result of the material's chemical composition. The fibers are made up of numerous polymer strands. These strands are composed of two types of segments: long, amorphous segments and short, rigid segments. In their natural state, the amorphous segments have a random molecular structure. They intermingle and make the fibers soft. Some of the rigid portions of the polymers bond with each other and give the fiber structure. When a force is applied to stretch the fibers, the bonds between the rigid sections are broken, and the amorphous segments straighten out. This makes the amorphous segments longer, thereby increasing the length of the fiber. When the fiber is stretched to its maximum length, the rigid segments again bond with each other. The amorphous segments remain in an elongated state. This makes the fiber stiffer and stronger. After the force is removed, the amorphous segments recoil and the fiber returns to its relaxed state. By using the elastic properties of spandex fibers, scientists can create fabrics that have desirable stretching and strength characteristics.
The primary use for spandex fibers is in fabric. They are useful for a number of reasons. First, they can be stretched repeatedly, and will return almost exactly back to original size and shape. Second, they are lightweight, soft, and smooth. Additionally, they are easily dyed. They are also resilient since they are resistant to abrasion and the deleterious effects of body oils, perspiration, and detergents. They are compatible with other materials, and can be spun with other types of fibers to produce unique fabrics, which have characteristics of both fibers.
Spandex is used in a variety of different clothing types. Since it is lightweight and does not restrict movement, it is most often used in athletic wear. This includes such garments as swimsuits, bicycle pants, and exercise wear. The form-fitting properties of spandex makes it a good for use in under-garments. Hence, it is used in waist bands, support hose, bras, and briefs.

The development of spandex was started during World War II. At this time, chemists took on the challenge of developing synthetic replacements for rubber. Two primary motivating factors prompted their research. First, the war effort required most of the available rubber for building equipment. Second, the price of rubber was unstable and it fluctuated frequently. Developing an alternative to rubber could solve both of these problems.
At first, their goal was to develop a durable elastic strand based on synthetic polymers. In 1940, the first polyurethane elastomers were produced. These polymers produced millable gums, which were an adequate alternative to rubber. Around the same time, scientists at Du Pont produced the first nylon polymers. These early nylon polymers were stiff and rigid, so efforts were begun to make them more elastic. When scientists found that other polyurethanes could be made into fine threads, they decided that these materials might be useful in making more stretchable nylons or in making lightweight garments.
The first spandex fibers were produced on an experimental level by one of the early pioneers in polymer chemistry, Farbenfabriken Bayer. He earned a German patent for his synthesis in 1952. The final development of the fibers were worked out independently by scientists at Du Pont and the U.S. Rubber Company. Du Pont used the brand name Lycra and began full scale manufacture in 1962. They are currently the world leader in the production of spandex fibers.
Raw Materials
A variety of raw materials are used to produce stretchable spandex fibers. This includes prepolymers which produce the backbone of the fiber, stabilizers which protect the integrity of the polymer, and colorants.
Two types of prepolymers are reacted to produce the spandex fiber polymer back-bone. One is a flexible macroglycol while the other is a stiff diisocyanate. The macro-glycol can be a polyester, polyether, polycarbonate, polycaprolactone or some combination of these. These are long chain polymers, which have hydroxyl groups (-OH) on both ends. The important feature of these molecules is that they are long and flexible. This part of the spandex fiber is responsible for its stretching characteristic. The other prepolymer used to produce spandex is a polymeric diisocyanate. This is a shorter chain polymer, which has an isocyanate (-NCO) group on both ends. The principal characteristic of this molecule is its rigidity. In the fiber, this molecule provides strength.
This corset-clad torso was produced by Jacob Kindliman of New York City in 1890. Kindliman, a corsetiere, hardly needed to advertise. At that time, women thought it was necessary to wear a corset and considered themselves indecently dressed without it until early in the twentieth century. Corsets were a combination brassiere-girdle-waist cincher in an all-in-one garment, forming the foundation shape for fashionable dress.
In days before spandex, how did the corset contour the body effectively? In the eighteenth century, thick quilting and stout seams on the corset shaped the body when the garment was tightly laced. In the early nineteenth century, baleen, a bony but bendable substance from the mouth of the baleen whale, was sewn into seams of the corset (hence the term whalebone corsets), however the late 1800s corsets like this were stiffened with small, thin strips of steel covered with fabric. Such steel-clad corsets did not permit movement or comfort. By World War I, American women began separating parts of the corset into two garments—the girdle (waist and hip shaper) and bandeau (softer band used to support and shape the breasts).
Nancy EV Bryk
When the two types of prepolymers are mixed together, they interact to form the spandex fibers. In this reaction, the hydroxyl.
groups (-OH) on the macroglycols react with the isocyanates. Each molecule gets added on to the end of another molecule, and a long chain polymer is formed. This is known as a step-growth or addition polymerization. To initiate this reaction, a catalyst such as diazobicyclo[2.2.2]octane must be used. Other low molecular weight amines are added to control the molecular weight of the fibers.
Spandex fibers are vulnerable to damage from a variety of sources including heat, light atmospheric contaminants, and chlorine. For this reason, stabilizers are added to protect the fibers. Antioxidants are one type of stabilizer.
Various antioxidants are added to the fibers, including monomeric and polymeric hindered phenols. To protect against light degradation, ultraviolet (UV) screeners such as hydroxybenzotriazoles are added. Compounds which inhibit fiber discoloration caused by atmospheric pollutants are another type of stabilizer added. These are typically compounds with tertiary amine functionality, which can interact with the oxides of nitrogen in air pollution. Since spandex is often used for swimwear, antimilde.
additives must also be added. All of the stabilizers that are added to the spandex fibers are designed to be resistant to solvent exposure since this could have a damaging effect on the fiber.
When they are first produced, spandex fibers are white. Therefore, colorants are added to improve their aesthetic appearance. Dispersed and acid dyes are typically used. If the spandex fibers are interwoven with other fibers such as nylon or polyester, special dying methods are required

The Manufacturing Process
Spandex fibers are produced in four different ways including melt extrusion, reaction spinning, solution dry spinning, and solution wet spinning. Each of these methods involve the initial step of reacting monomers to produce a prepolymer. Then the prepolymer is reacted further, in various ways, and drawn out to produce a long fiber. Since solution dry spinning is used to produce over 90% of the world's spandex fibers, it is described.

Polymer reactions

  • 1 The first step in the production of spandex is the production of the prepolymer. This is done by mixing a macroglycol with a diisocyanate monomer. The compounds are mixed in a reaction vessel and under the right conditions they react to form a prepolymer. Since the ratio of the component materials produces fibers with varying characteristics, it is strictly controlled. A typical ratio of glycol to diisocyanate may be 1:2.
  • 2 In dry spinning fiber production, the prepolymer is further reacted with an equal amount of diamine. This is known as a chain extension reaction. The resulting solution is diluted with a solvent to produce the spinning solution. The solvent helps make the solution thinner and more easily handled. It can then be pumped into the fiber production cell.

Producing the fibers

  • 3 The spinning solution is pumped into a cylindrical spinning cell where it is cured and converted into fibers. In this cell, the polymer solution is forced through a metal plate, called a spinneret, which has small holes throughout. This causes the solution to be aligned in strands of liquid polymer. As the strands pass through the cell, they are heated in the presence of a nitrogen and solvent gas. These conditions cause the liquid polymer to chemically react and form solid strands.
  • 4 As the fibers exit the cell, a specific amount of the solid strands are bundled together to produce the desired thickness. This is done with a compressed air device that twists the fibers together. In reality, each fiber of spandex is made up of many smaller individual fibers that adhere to one another due to the natural stickiness of their surface.

Final processing

  • 5 The fibers are then treated with a finishing agent. This may be magnesium stearate or another polymer such as poly(dimethyl-siloxane). These finishing materials prevent the fibers from sticking together and aid in textile manufacture. After this treatment, the fibers are transferred through a series of rollers onto a spool. The windup speed of the entire process can be anywhere from 300-500 mi (482.7-804.5 km) per minute depending on the thickness of the fibers.
  • 6 When the spools are filled with fiber, they are put into final packaging and shipped to textile manufacturers and other customers. Here, the fibers may be woven with other fibers such as cotton or nylon to produce the fabric that is used in clothing manufacture. This fabric can also be dyed to produce a desired color.

To ensure the quality of the spandex fibers, manufacturers monitor the product during each phase of production. Inspections begin with the evaluation of the incoming raw materials. Various chemical and physical characteristics are tested. For example, the pH, specific gravity, and viscosity of the diisocyanate may be checked. Additionally, appearance, color, and odor can also be evaluated. Only by having strict quality control checks on the starting materials can the manufacturer be sure that they will produce a consistent end product. After production, the spandex fibers are also tested. These tests may include those that evaluate fiber elasticity, resilience and absorbency.

The quality of spandex fibers has continually improved since they were first developed. Various areas of research will help continue their improvement. For example, scientists have found that by changing the starting prepolymers they can develop fibers which have even better stretching characteristics. Other characteristics can be improved by using different prepolymer ratios, better catalysts, and various fillers. In addition to spandex fiber improvements, it is likely that advanced fabrics will be produced which incorporate spandex fibers with conventional fibers. Currently, nylon/spandex fiber blends are available. Finally, improvements in manufacturing will also be discovered. These will focus on producing fibers faster and more efficiently.